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The Number One Educational Resource for the Game Industry

Session Name:

Step Into The Future Of Gaming: A Practical Approach to Design Handheld Augmented Reality Games


Tony Tseng will discuss the design process and technology behind augmented reality games through an in-depth case study and live demo of ARHRRR, one of the most discussed and tantalizing augmented reality games in 2009. He will reveal the structure and outcome of a handheld augmented reality game design class conducted as an inter-institutional collaboration between Georgia Tech and Savannah College of Art and Design. He will analyze numerous unique elements of their class, discuss important issues regarding interdisciplinary collaboration and mobile augmented reality gaming, and share several viable design strategies for the creation of future handheld augmented reality experiences.

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  • GDC 2010
  • Tony Tseng
  • Savannah College of Art and Design
  • free content
  • GDC Mobile/Handheld
  • Smartphone / Tablet Games