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The Number One Educational Resource for the Game Industry

Session Name:

Core Games, Real Numbers: Comparative Stats for MMOs and Social Games [SOGS Business]


Kongregate is a distributor of nearly 100 virtual-goods games developed by developers small and large, Eastern and Western, casual and hardcore. As such, it has a unique perspective on what types of mechanics and characteristics of games have the most success monetizing. This talk will look at site-wide trends and dig into specific game metrics. There will be a detailed comparative analysis of large and small scale games- down to their core mechanics to help illuminate basic trends and explain how similar games can have very different preformances in monetization and retention.


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  • GDC 2012
  • Emily Greer
  • Kongregate
  • Anthony Pecorella
  • Kongregate
  • free content
  • Social and Online Games Summit
  • Other