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Session Name:

Borderlands and the 11th Hour Art Style Change. Or: Kids, Don't Try this at Home!


With Borderlands, Gearbox Software scratched an itch and crafted the first successful shooter-looter. The company made the decision to change the art style of the game they did this not in the concept phase, not in preproduction, not at the midpoint, but three quarters of the way through development. Ridiculous! Brian Martel will explain the whys and wherefores of that decision. Your takeaway may be that you see the wisdom behind the choices involved and attempt to inject at least this much fun and savvy into your development efforts or maybe he will convince you to never try something this outlandish and risky at your company!

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  • GDC 2010
  • Brian Martel
  • Gearbox Software
  • Randy Pitchford
  • Gearbox Software
  • free content
  • Visual Arts
  • Visual Arts