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Speaker(s): Patricia Pizer
Company Name(s): Consultant
Track / Format: GDC Mobile/Handheld
Overview: Creating a game from a blockbuster IP on a new platform creates interesting challenges. It may result in a simple port or perhaps a stripped down version of the game which is a mere ghost of the original; perhaps a game that bears little resemblance to the original game but for the name. In creating CLUB PENGUIN DS, the situation set goals high. Providing an experience that really conveyed the look and feel of the CP world, feeds back into the online game to allow the player to advance from non-online play and provide multiplayer play beyond mere competition combined to create a formidable challenge. Add into the mix a developer with little online experience, an IP holder accustomed to complete creative control and a publisher accustomed to having well-established guidelines for the IP they work with and the project team is faced with a truly formidable challenge.

GDC 2010

Patricia Pizer


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GDC Mobile/Handheld

Smartphone / Tablet Games