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Session Name:

Seriously, Make YOUR Game!


Too often the pattern for a serious game involves a big sponsoring organization and a team of developers working through many levels of approval designed to reduce an abnormal sense of risk towards building a game. As such the serious games space seems often filled with projects that are in limbo - waiting for some form of greenlight be it funding, approval, or a larger sense of drive from the developer themselves. What if instead of looking at the serious games space through the lens of sponsored projects, always in need of satisfied risk curves, we envisioned it more as a space filled with development risk takers in control of their own games, visions, and ideas of what can serious games can be? Nearing the end of the Serious Games Summit, Two top indie developers inspire us to get things done. Jason Rohrer (Passage, Between) will provide a talk titled 'E For Everyone: Making a mature game for the DS' and Paolo Pedercini (aka La Molleindustria) creator of Every Day the Same Dream, and McDonald's Videogame provides a talk titled, 'Corrupting your Children'. Following the talks will be further discussion and Q&A with Ian Bogost about the creators' work and what serious games developers of all types can learn from it.

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  • GDC 2010
  • Ian Bogost
  • The Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Paolo Pedercini
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • Jason Rohrer
  • Independent
  • free content
  • Serious Games Summit
  • Serious Games