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Session Name:

Fired and Fired-Up: Jobless Developers Rant


For the last five years at the GDC rant session, game developers have roared. They have trashed the industry, shocked players and fans, and expressed heartfelt passion about the industry that we all love to hate. Last year, it was game journalists that gave vent to their feelings.

This year, it's time for the laid-off to get loud. At the GDC 2010 rant session, the stage will be filled by developers who have lost their studios or their jobs since the last GDC. It's been a tough year in the global economy, and although the game industry will no doubt survive and thrive, game developers always end up at the bottom of the food chain. Now it's time to hear exactly what burns them up. They may well rant about the horrors of the game industry labor economy, but THEY choose the topics of their rants, so be prepared for the unexpected.

Cutting through the clutter of polite industry chit-chat, the rant session takes on the issues that matter to developers in a no-holds-barred format. Fasten your seat belts and prepare for strong opinions from some of the game industry's most distinguished and dissatisfied game designers. The invited panelists - from scarred veteran to hothead youngster - will be given free reign. You have been warned.

Co-hosted by Eric Zimmerman and Jason Della Roca, Pouring Gas on the Fames is about identifying solutions as well as problems. The audience will have a chance to respond to the rants and join in the discussion. Topics will address issues of concrete importance to the game industry. And we may catch a glimpse of a better future for us all.

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  • GDC 2010
  • Paul Bettner
  • Newtoy Inc.
  • Carey Chico
  • GlobeX Studios LA Inc
  • Jason Della Rocca
  • Perimeter Partners
  • Justin Hall
  • GameLayers, Inc
  • Chris Hecker
  • definition six, inc.
  • Margaret Wallace
  • Playmatics
  • Eric Zimmerman
  • Independent
  • free content
  • Business and Management
  • Business & Marketing