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Session Name:

Ritual: Next-Gen Visual Effects on Direct3D 10


Ritual Entertainment is targeting Direct3D 10 in their next-generation Windows Vista title, leveraging a revolutionary new graphics hardware and software platform. In this session, discover how Rituals engineers are exploiting Direct3D10 Geometry Shaders, Stream Output, Render Target Arrays, Shader Model 4.0, and more, to deliver unprecedented visual effects in their game. Topics to be covered include an overview of new Direct3D 10 features, followed by a case study of art-content and architecture implications for a game engine that uses Direct3D 10 as its primary rendering path. A variety of visual effects enabled by the new pipeline capabilities will be demonstrated in Rituals engine, including character and environmental effects. Demos will include examples of character skinning and shadowing techniques, as well as environmental effects and reflections, rendered on in-game content. Demos will be rendered through Rituals Direct3D 10 engine.

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  • Sam Glassenberg
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