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Session Name:

Wiring a Hardcore Brain to a Social Mindset


As social gaming transforms the games industry forever, the questions many in the trade still (secretly) ask is: What is social gaming, really? And why does it matter to me? And whats all this gibberish about games being services, anyway? Having founded and then managed a highly successful hardcore game development studio for over twelve years, Martin Walfisz recently decided that it was time to find the answers to these questions. The excursion has so far led to a new startup company and several realizations about the future of our industry. This session aims to provide a clear definition of social gaming and dives deep into the implications of developing games as services rather than products all from the mindset of a hardcore gamer, game developer and entrepreneur.

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  • GDC Europe 2010
  • Martin Walfisz
  • Planeto
  • free content
  • Business & Management
  • Business & Marketing