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Session Name:

Like Herding LOLcats: Managing the Internet's Most Unruly Gaming Communities [SOGS Business]


It's official: Everyone's a troll nowadays. In an age where civility has become an antiquated notion, how do you manage and engage your audience?

Forumwarz -- a popular indie web RPG and the world's first "troll-playing" game -- attracted a crowd known for its deliberately antisocial, nasty behavior. Mike Drach, Creative Director of Forumwarz will discuss moderating and managing the trolliest communities out there. He will outline a number of strategies they employed to deal with trolls, what worked, what didn't, and what they'd do differently in the future.

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  • GDC 2012
  • Mike Drach
  • Forumwarz
  • free content
  • Social and Online Games Summit
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