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Session Name:

Tapping the Collective Creativity of Your Team


Large development teams face many challenges. The more obvious ones are things like planning and coordination, but among the less obvious, yet still critical problems is disenfranchisement. As the team gets larger, an individual member's perceived contribution to the final product becomes smaller. By specializing in one particular area they surrender their influence on others. Yet we all love making games and have an intuitive feel of what is and isn't right. All that creative juice that would have been flowing in a smaller team is left untapped in a large one. A studio can address this problem by establishing dedicated communication channels and processes. However, it requires effort to keep them running until a sustained culture develops around them, if at all. This talk will describe a software-based crowdsourcing approach developed at Radical Entertainment and used successfully during the development of [Prototype(R)2].

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  • GDC 2012
  • Marcin Chady
  • Radical Entertainment
  • free content
  • Production
  • Production