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Session Name:

Building Passionate Communities Through Social Music-Making Games


Ge Wang of Smule, the creator of the popular MadPad, I Am T-Pain, Ocarina, Glee Karaoke and Magic Piano apps will discuss how to create rich community through social music games. Smule's platform has created organic musical and social collaborations between groups of people from around the world, fostering communities for users with a passion for music and even supporting causes and people in distress. In a plea to support those affected by the Japanese tsunami, a Glee Karaoke user sang "Lean on Me" and had more than 2,500 people join the song in solidarity. During this presentation, Ge would discuss creating compelling social experiences while sharing several case studies.

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  • GDC 2012
  • Ge Wang
  • Smule
  • free content
  • Smartphone and Tablet Games Summit
  • Smartphone / Tablet Games