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Session Name:

Robustification Through Introspection and Analysis Tools (Avoiding Developer Taxes)


We seek to remove human interaction from all tedious programming tasks. We show how a modified LLVM clang frontend can keep your reflection data up to date. By comparing metadata snapshots the computer can do 90% of the work of maintaining strong backwards compatibility. Make your asset pipeline much more robust. We show a low-overhead method of binding C++ to script via reflection. As well as producing reflection structures for serialization, our clang front-end can produce structures which are combined with the memory managers raw blocks to give an accurate picture of the heap automatically. In all cases, we aim to minimise the cost of change by removing the human interaction and to provide verification of those human edited parts.

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  • GDC 2012
  • Stephen Kennedy
  • Havok
  • free content
  • Programming
  • Programming