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Session Name:

Embracing the Dark Art of Mathematical Modeling in AI


Utility-based AI is a widely-used approach, particularly for games with deeper or more complex behavior. While new users may find utility functions complex and intimidating, experienced users see them as a natural and comfortable way to express behavior. In a follow-up of their 2010 lecture, Kevin Dill and Dave Mark will show how simple problems can be laid out quickly and easily using common design patterns. Additionally, they will show how complex situations can make use of utility functions to express more nuanced behavior. They will then walk through real-world examples, showing how they would be expressed in a utility-based architecture.

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  • GDC 2012
  • Kevin Dill
  • Lockheed Martin Global Training & Logistics
  • Dave Mark
  • Intrinsic Algorithm
  • free content
  • AI Summit
  • AI