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Session Name:

Concrete Practices to Be a Better Leader: Framing & Intention


This talk is about leading well by doing two things: communicating effectively and maintaining perspective. Conversations obviously bear meaning on many levels beyond explicit words; here we'll talk about frames, the assumptions and context we bring to our interactions. Skillful framing is worth the practice, as it can inspire, motivate and energize, help you navigate the shores of professional power dynamics and strengthen relationships of all kinds.

Of course, it only does those things if you want it to, which brings us to intention, the motivation behind your every action. It's deceptively easy to believe we're acting for one reason, often a noble one, when our true intention is something else. When we do that, our behavior often ends up causing harm and sabotaging our true goals. We'll talk about the work involved in staying aware of your intention and steering it in a direction that'll yield the right results.

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  • GDC 2012
  • Brian Sharp
  • Bungie
  • free content
  • Production
  • Production