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Herding Cats: How to Build, Manage and Sustain Successful Teams


(Title on Video: "Management and Leadership: Lessons from Mom) The days of building titles by ourselves are pretty much gone. Faery Tale Adventure and Powerdrome were the last gasps of this creative ideal, and like the Amiga, they are gone as viable commercial models. Increasingly, we find that the quality of our products and their commercial prospects are tied not to the individual talent of our organizations, but to our ability to get best creative and productive work from the largest contingent of our teams. A delicate dance, management finds itself weaving the disparate motivations and goals of a variety of different digital artists and engineers. This just speaks to the needs that emerge in a single project. The real challenge is to get these organizations to survive and grow through multiple titles and experiences, growing their skills and abilities to meet the challenges of the future. It requires objective vision and tough decisions. Rarely does our business give us the stability to examine these quandaries for a moment. The key to understanding this process is to recognize that maximizing the future value of the team and the present value of the current title are almost always the same thing; assembling individuals that grow together, not apart, as their mutual experiences grow.

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  • GDC 1998
  • Richard Hilleman
  • Richard Honeywood
  • Independent
  • free content
  • Production
  • Production