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Session Name:

How Draw Something Absorbed 50 Million New Users, in 50 Days, with Zero Downtime


With the acceleration of social media, games can grow from zero to millions of users overnight - the latest example being OMGPOP's Draw Something, a Pictionary-like game that broke all records when it went viral and skyrocketed to more than 50 million downloads and billions of drawings within a few weeks of launch.

If you are planning to build and launch a social game, growth is what you should be concerned with and prepared for. So how exactly do you support the kind of growth you hope for, without breaking the bank, and while sustaining a snappy and compelling gaming experience? How do you ensure that the technology stack that works for you at launch can handle viral growth too?

This session focuses on the data management challenges game developers face. It outlines key criteria for selecting a data management model that will provide the scalability and performance needed to support a game from birth through massive growth. Specifically, the presentation will highlight the architecture of OMGPOP's Draw Something - an example of a game that was prepared for growth.

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