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Session Name:

Crossing Microsoft Screens: Building Cross Platform Gameplay in Skulls of the Shogun (Presented by Microsoft)


This talk will go into the design and technical challenges bringing the multi-device, cross platform gameplay of Skulls of the Shogun to life. Skulls of the Shogun had to solve the user interface challenges of three different input types (gamepad, touch, mouse & keyboard) on Xbox 360, Windows Phone and Window8. The game presents a seamless experience to users not just playing others on different devices, but for single users playing the game on multiple devices of their own. The talk will also include technical lessons learned reaching all three platforms and getting the most out of the new Xbox LIVE APIs.

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  • GDC 2013
  • Borut Pfeifer
  • 17-BIT
  • Ben Vance
  • 17-BIT
  • free content
  • Programming
  • Programming