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Session Name:

Clone Wars: The All Out Assault on Innovation in Games (Presented by IGDA)


The advent of digital distribution and the many new platforms associated with it -- most notably iOS and Android -- has mainly been a blessing for game developers. Indie game development has blossomed and original innovative games now have a way to market. Unfortunately, as digital distribution has taken off, the prevalence of cloning has exploded as well. Too often, not merely games inspired by these originals, but blatant copies across multiple platforms that pop up with blinding speed. In two highly publicized instances, prominent Indie developers David Edery from Spry Fox and Ian Marsh from Nimblebit have dealt with this problem. They will discuss the very different approaches each used to take on copycats. The third presenter, game industry attorney Tom Buscaglia, will lay out some of the options available that developers can consider to better protect their original games. The presenters will then explore the thorny issue of sensitizing distribution partners to the damage rampant copying has on the future of our industry without alienating them in the process.

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  • GDC 2013
  • Tom Buscaglia
  • The Game Attorney PC
  • David Edery
  • Spry Fox
  • Ian Marsh
  • NimbleBit
  • free content
  • Advocacy
  • Advocacy