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Session Name:

Breaking the Mold: Experiments in Evolving Game Narrative from the USC Game Innovation Lab


There are many ways for game writers and designers to stretch story premises beyond the cliche formats that have been troubling our industry as of late. In this talk, Tracy Fullerton, chair of USC Interactive Media & Games, will focus on experiments in emergent narrative that immerse players into the lives, writings and particularly the personal experiences of great historical figures and human traditions. A look inside USC's Game Innovation Lab will trace how early projects such as Cloud led to two current projects intended to push the boundaries even further: one is a game intended to make you feel what Henry David Thoreau experienced at Walden Pond, and the other a game attempting to evoke the transcendental experience of the mystic's journey toward enlightenment.

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  • GDC 2014
  • Tracy Fullerton
  • USC Game Innovation Lab
  • free content
  • Game Narrative Summit
  • Game Narrative