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Session Name:

Game Design Education 10+ Years In: Where to Take the Field from Here


We've grown a new field of study together in the last 10+ years. Among us, we have a good sense of how to educate future game designer and developers, and have evolved strong practices in training and placing them in internships and jobs. Yet, there are some challenge areas we share, which could benefit from field-level collaboration across institutions; for example, increasing faculty and student diversity, evolving shared teaching techniques and resources, and strengthening research centers and funding streams. In this session, Katherine will present some of these challenges, to spark discussion and collaboration among schools, to help us level up the field together. The contents of the session are the result of an informal meeting among some game design graduate educators who were attending the NYU Practice conference in November 2013.

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  • GDC 2014
  • Katherine Isbister
  • NYU
  • free content
  • GDC Education Summit
  • Game Career / Education