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Session Name:

Goal-Oriented Action Planning: Ten Years Old and No Fear!


Monolith released their game F.E.A.R. in 2005. At GDC 2006, Jeff Orkin showed us how his Goal-Oriented Action Planner system (GOAP) powered the AI for F.E.A.R. in a way that was new and fresh. In the past 10 years since, GOAP has had its ups and downs, still trying to find its way among the traditional AI algorithms. While architecturally simple, it has had to adapt to handle the demands of each new generation of AAA games. This multi-studio lecture will show how Monolith has continued to grow their implementation of GOAP in their games, such as the recent Shadow of Mordor. Additionally, we will see how Crystal Dynamics handles debugging and reporting of the (often novel or unexpected) GOAP behaviors in their Tomb Raider titles. Lastly, ric Jacopin will show how data analytics can be used for AI components such as GOAP to gather metrics and patterns.

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  • GDC 2015
  • Chris Conway
  • Crystal Dynamics
  • Peter Higley
  • Monolith Productions
  • Eric Jacopin
  • Center of Research, Saint-Cyr Military Academy
  • free content
  • AI Summit
  • AI