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Session Name:

The Weekly Adventure: News-Driven Interactive Storytelling - Challenges & Techniques


How do you tell a meaningful and engagingly interactive story in a truly episodic form, producing and releasing a new sequel every week or even every day? To get there, a fundamentally different and radical approach in the development and release procedures is required in today's games industry. These changes are even more crucial if you want to publish story driven games based on news and current events. The session will demonstrate how these changes can be achieved and which steps are necessary to streamline a production pipeline accordingly. At the same time we introduce a technology that makes short release cycles feasible and helps you optimize the production process.

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  • GDC Europe 2015
  • Nico Nowarra
  • Experimental Game GmbH
  • Thomas Franken
  • Experimental Game GmbH
  • free content
  • Production
  • Production
  • Design
  • Design