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Session Name:

The Making of the Official Counter-Strike Bot


This lecture addresses the technical and design issues critical to the success of the official Counter- Strike bot, the most advanced FPS tactical multiplayer AI to date. The official Counter-Strike bot has received an enthusiastic reception from both newbies and veterans of the Counter-Strike community, largely due to the fact that it plays the game in a very believable, human-like fashion. The bots put on a "performance" that results in players feeling they are fighting against (and with) "worthwhile" opponents. Achieving this level of suspension of disbelief requires more than technical AI coding ability. It requires a thorough understanding of the game, insight into human limitations such as reaction times and attention prioritization, and a holistic sense of how to create a fun and believable "performance" from these disparate parts.

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  • GDC 2004
  • Michael Booth
  • Valve
  • free content
  • Programming
  • Programming