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Session Name:

Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose - Building a Hyper-Engaged Team


Criterion Games is convinced that the way the industry has built AAA games is incredibly damaging to people, quality, and innovation. After a change of leadership in early 2014, Criterion started to build a process aimed at maximising efficiency through a highly-motivated team with enough big-picture context to make great decisions all the time. As well as taking inspiration from other AAA studios and Indie developers, the company is making use of science to motivate people through Autonomy, Mastery + Purpose.
Criterion has been using this approach to develop a brand new game, as well as assisting two other titles within EA. On all three projects,we've found that we are the happiest and most productive that we've ever been! This talk will cover the reasoning behind the processes Criterion has built, and go into some detail of the findings of what worked well and what didn't.

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  • GDC 2016
  • Alex Mole
  • Criterion Games
  • free content
  • Production
  • Production