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Session Name:

Music Design: Lessons from 'The Last of Us' and More


Jonathan Mayer has been producing music for Playstation games since 2005. In his time he has collaborated with game developers on some of the industry's most creatively successful scores. From these experiences, Jonathan has derived some key observations as well as a strong set of opinions about how our industry typically approaches music design and production.
With a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration and a holistic approach to the process, Jonathan wants to share as well as inspire current and future professionals to push the boundaries of what is possible by closely integrating music development with game design.
This lecture is geared toward game designers, music and audio professionals alike in an effort to raise questions about our industry's approach to music in games and provide experience based best practices for the future.

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  • GDC 2016
  • Jonathan Mayer
  • SCEA
  • free content
  • Design
  • Design
  • Audio
  • Audio