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Session Name:

The Gamer's Brain, Part 3: The UX of Engagement and Immersion (or Retention)


Usability and onboarding are common UX challenges in games. However, even if you get these right, it still doesn't ensure your game will be engaging. This talk will cover the UX challenges of retention and how to use cognitive science knowledge and the scientific method to make your game enjoyable and engaging in the long term. It will look into motivation, emotion, and gameflow through the lens of the human mind and it will cover how to identify the biggest "engage-ability" issues in your game early on, as well as how to measure your progress. This talk will provide examples from various titles (including insights from the development of Epic Games' 'Fortnite' and 'Paragon') to help you improve player engagement while avoiding common pitfalls, and to better understand what leads to long-lasting "fun".

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  • GDC 2017
  • Celia Hodent
  • Epic Games
  • free content
  • Design
  • Design