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Session Name:

American Expats Share Their Stories


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to move halfway around the world for work? It's not as scary as it sounds. In this panel, three Americans will tell you about their experiences getting hired, and making friends and amazing games in new countries. Elizabeth Sampat lived in Denmark, Fred Zelany is living in Sweden, and Tara Brannigan has lived in New Zealand and Germany. Each of them will talk about their unique perspectives: moving alone and making friends, convincing an entire family to uproot their lives, deciding to move from one foreign country to another, and how design practices change when culture changes. They'll also leave plenty of time for Q&A so you can get the answers to your most burning questions!

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  • GDC 2018
  • Elizabeth Sampat
  • SYBO Games
  • Tara Brannigan
  • flaregames
  • Fred Zeleny
  • Ubisoft Massive
  • free content
  • Advocacy
  • Advocacy