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Session Name:

Behind the Streams: A Technical Look into the Developer Broadcasts of 'Warframe'


Are you a developer looking to live stream your title to the masses? Do you want to avoid most of the technical challenges, pitfalls, and trial and error of finding the right hardware and software to do it? This session will cover all of that, plus more! The speaker will share insights, discoveries, inspirations, and workflows, all garnered from over six years of producing 'Warframe' Developer live streams, to help bring a level of professionalism to your in-house broadcasts. This session will also detail the importance of your stream's visual design, provide hardware/software suggestions for (nearly) any budget, how to capture multiple inputs, and overview how we deal with live production in a studio environment. This session is primarily focused on the behind-the-scenes aspect of producing live streams, and is not sponsored by any hardware or software manufacturers.

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