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Session Name:

Advanced Graphics Techniques Tutorial: "Surfing the Wave(front)s with Radeon GPU Profiler" & "Debugging and Profiling DXR & Vulkan Ray Tracing"


This is a joint session of two 30-minute lectures, ""Surfing the Wave(front)s with Radeon GPU Profiler" and "Dissecting Realtime Rays: How to Debug and Profile DXR & Vulkan Ray Tracing Applications.Surfing the Wave(front)s with Radeon GPU ProfilerDominik Baumeister (Developer Technology Engineer, AMD)AMD's Radeon GPU Profiler (RGP) is a state-of-the-art profiler for graphics and compute APIs running on AMD Radeon GPUs. This talk will walk you through its major features and abilities, showing you how to use RGP to analyze and optimize performance, using traces taken from a AAA PC game title as the example. RGP has the ability to dive into the low-level details of execution on Radeon GPUs, so you'll come to understand how to determine and interpret GPU occupancy, GPU synchronization primitives, the interaction and synchronization between the GPU and the host CPU driving it, expensive events and event details, context rolls, and pipeline state that affects what happens when you submit. You'll leave the talk with a great understanding of how to start using RGP to optimize your DirectX 12 or Vulkan game title for GCN and Vega GPUs.Dissecting Realtime Rays: How to Debug and Profile DXR & Vulkan Ray Tracing ApplicationsAurelio Reis (SWE Director of Graphics Developer Tools, NVIDIA)Aurelio Reis will go into detail on the tools that NVIDIA has developed for debugging and profiling realtime ray tracing. In this talk, he'll discuss real world issues that NVIDIA has seen as well as demonstrate how to resolve these using Nsight Graphics, NVIDIA's standalone graphics debugger and profiler.

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  • GDC 2019
  • Dominik Baumeister
  • AMD
  • Aurelio Reis
  • free content
  • Programming
  • Programming