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Session Name:

Inspiring 249 Million Strangers: Art Direction for a Global Audience


King has the enviable but challenging task of creating outstanding original IPs for one of the largest and broadest audiences in the mobile game market, averaging 258 million monthly active players. How does one of the mobile games leading companies approach IP development? In this talk, art director Riana McKeith outline her own and King's approach to crafting mass market IPs that stand out in an increasingly crowded marketplace. In an industry which often relies on data and analytics, Riana McKeith will discuss how and when to use art testing to your advantage, how to embrace uncertainty and intuition in pre-production, how to build alignment between art and other crafts and how to blend the familiar with the original to transform art styles into unique, long lasting IPs.

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  • GDC Summer 2020
  • Riana McKeith
  • King
  • free content
  • Visual Arts
  • Visual Arts