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Session Name:

Future Realities Summit: Keep Redlining OUT of the Metaverse


"Building A Real-world Metaverse For Everyone" requires we do something that has not yet been done in the early days of any computing/gaming platform -- build with diversity and inclusion from the start. In early 2021, Niantic launched the Black Developers Initiative (BDI) to identify and support Black led developers and game teams to increase representation. This is one program focused on helping more Black developers have opportunities to build and showcase their work, but there is so much more we can and should do to ensure the people building the real-world metaverse are more representative of the people who live in the real-world metaverse. But Niantic cannot do this work alone, not even close. We need the entire industry to help keep redlining and other bad practices out of the real-world metaverse.

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  • Game Developers Conference 2022
  • Kellee Santiago
  • Niantic, Inc
  • John King
  • Niantic, Inc
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  • Future Realities Summit
  • Virtual / Augmented Reality