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Session Name:

Web3 Forum: DAOs for Game Developers (Presented by Dacoco GmbH (Alien Worlds))


Software development for a blockchain-based dapp/game is all about providing security through decentralisation. This is usually achieved through immutable code in a smart contract. But, as every software dev knows, code will eventually need changes, upgrades and bug fixes. Rather than leaving a security backdoor for software upgrades, we can use the blockchain to host a governing system to control these changes without losing the security provided intrinsically by the blockchain. That system would be a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). This session explores the goals and challenges from both technical and human perspectives that contribute to building a successful DAO system and how they are utilised as core game components in the Alien Worlds Metaverse to complement existing NFT game mechanics and mining activities within the game.

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  • Game Developers Conference 2023
  • Dallas Johnson
  • Dacoco (Alien Worlds)
  • free content
  • Programming
  • Programming