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Session Name:

Advanced Graphics Summit: DX12 Memory Management in Snowdrop on PC (With Introduction from Summit Advisor Julien Merceron)


To achieve good and reliable performance, games using DX12 on PC need to manage memory themselves. This presentation goes over Snowdrop's heaps allocation strategies, as well as how its texture streamer is used to manage memory.Attendees will learn how to use the Windows Performance Analyzer to diagnose VRAM overcommitment issues coming from OS automatic resource demotion, using real examples of performance degradations due to bad memory management in Snowdrop with DX12.Solutions to address these issues a resource residency management system and the texture streamer usage of DirectX tiled resources to free large amount of memory while minimizing quality loss are discussed, as well as what didn't work so well.

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  • Game Developers Conference 2024
  • Julien Merceron
  • Bandai Namco Studios
  • Gauthier Viau
  • Massive Entertainment - a Ubisoft Studio
  • free content
  • Advanced Graphics Summit
  • Programming