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The Number One Educational Resource for the Game Industry

Session Name: Remotely Possible: Mental Health and Your Work from Home Space
Speaker(s): ZW Buckley, Jasmine Cooper, Laryssa Okada, Katherine Tole
Company Name(s): Plant Based Audio, Perennial Sounds LLC, Independent, Plant Based Audio
Track / Format: Audio

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Overview: The panel explores the relationship between workspace and mental health and how the two intersect in remote game audio work. Our panelists will delve into the significance of maintaining a distinct workspace within your home and the impact it has on work-life balance. Struggles with project management and its effects on mental health are discussed, emphasizing the importance of curating the projects you take on. The panelists will also discuss habits to protect mental health during industry turbulence and highlight the necessity of incorporating breaks and physical activity in an often sedentary job. Attendees will walk away with strategies and practices for preventing burnout and striving for a sustainable remote career.

Game Developers Conference 2024

ZW Buckley

Plant Based Audio

Jasmine Cooper

Perennial Sounds LLC

Laryssa Okada


Katherine Tole

Plant Based Audio

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