With the Nintendo DS, dancepads, EyeToy, and the upcoming Revolution controller the last year in gaming might well have been the era of new input interfaces. The game industry and players are quickly realizing that new input and interaction methods can open up new and important game opportunities.
In the serious games space, such new input and interaction methods are incredibly important as such devices and interaction models may enable incredible new applications for serious games. These include therapeutic games for stroke victims, new forms of entertainment, or new learning games for things like writing.
"New Interfaces for Serious Games" is a unique 100-minute block of speakers who demonstrate products and projects that widen our thinking as to how players interact with games and serious games. Attendees in the audience are be asked to brainstorm new ideas and applications for each device with prizes awarded for the best serious game ideas.
4:15-4:40 p.m. Juha Arrasvuori
4:40-5:05 p.m. Domenic Greco
5:05-5:30 p.m. Nigel Papworth and Mats Liljedahl
5:30-5:55 p.m. Bill Tomlinson