The serious games space is made up of many important constituencies
and work areas. One of the most important involves general research
into classroom application, instructional design, and general
pedagogical issues involving technology, multimedia, learning, and of
course: games.
During this 100-minute session, five projects will summarize specific
project and research findings that help advance our understanding
about the usage of games to teach, train, and motivate in educational
settings. The presentations are:
The Great Divide: Seven Core Tensions Between Schools and Games
Using Player Research to Mediate Battles Between Pedagogy, Learning Content, and Fun
Expanding the Magic Circle: Designing Play Spaces for Learning
Designing Games with Explanatory Transparency for Better Learning and Understanding
Collateral Learning: Online Games for 21st Century Skills
2:00-2:20 p.m. William Crosbie and Jessica Hammer
2:20-2:40 p.m. Carrie Heeter and Brian Winn
2:40-3:00 p.m. Sasha Barab
3:00-3:20 p.m. Lisa Galarneau
3:20-3:40 p.m. John Black