Katsuya Eguchi, the director of the ANIMAL CROSSING series, discusses the design challenges of recreating the console franchise on a wireless, handheld system. Since consoles and handhelds have distinct technological and philosophical differences, how do developers provide an experience that pleases fans of the original without alienating newcomers? Platforms with unique input and display features such as the Nintendo DS offer developers interesting challenges and creative opportunities. Eguchi discusses the benefits and limitations of handheld systems and how they affect development decisions. The trend of wireless portable play throughout the industry is transforming the gaming experience. In this case, adding Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection capability to the ANIMAL CROSSING franchise creates a fresh sense of community, but also new questions. For example, what potential do these services have for building communities? What is the future of a game that has no real ending? Eguchi addresses these issues and more in this in-depth case study of ANIMAL CROSSING: WILD WORLD.