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Session Name:

The 7 Deadly Sins of Music Licensing


Licensed music has become increasingly important on video games with productions values and the quality of sound on next generation consoles having been raised over the last few years. A number of highly acclaimed games have used licensed music to place the player in a place and particular era, brilliantly and this has now become the norm. The session will explore in detail the 7 stages that must be worked through in music licensing, from ownership to clearances and the deadly sins to avoid at each stage. The session will give attendees information on what to do and a few industry tips to ensure you get the bands/artists and songs you are really after for you game. The session will also look at how to work with established bands and artists on commissioned music for your project.

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  • GDC 2006
  • Sergio Pimentel
  • SCEE-Sony Computer Entertainment Europe
  • free content
  • Audio
  • Audio