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Session Name:

Two Approaches for Learning Within Games


This session features exciting reviews of two great projects, each taking different approaches toward engineering, but hoping for the same results. In one project, M.I.T. developers have modded a popular off-the-shelf entertainment title for teaching language. In another project, Tabula Digita created a highly polished 3D game environment titled DIMENXIAN for teaching algebra.

Both are using major immersion approaches that integrate the core learning requirements into the overall goal of the game and its interface. During this session each project will showcase its learning and engineering approaches, supporting research, and early results from field tests.

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  • GDC 2006
  • Robert Clegg
  • Tabula Digita, Inc.
  • Ravi Purushotma
  • MIT
  • Dan Roy
  • The Education Arcade, MIT
  • free content
  • SGS: Learning & Instructional Theory
  • Serious Games