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Session Name: My Publisher Says: I Owe Him How Much?
Speaker(s): Tim Christian, Faye Sieracki
Company Name(s): Media Forensics, Media Forensics Ltd
Track / Format: Business and Management
Overview: You've done the easy part - created the concept, sold the idea, negotiated the deal, developed/signed the product, delivered the master. Now all you need to do is sit back and wait for the royalties to roll in - right? Wrong! Now you need to keep a very watchful eye on the royalty statements you receive, because more often than not they contain errors and irregularities.

Royalty accounting is a complex area and the scope for errors is huge. This lecture will show you how to understand and check a typical royalty statement. The lecture content draws on Media Forensics' actual case studies and shows what to look for in a royalty report, how to track the performance of your title, where the typical inconsistencies occur, and how to best to approach your publisher to correct any errors.

GDC 2006

Tim Christian

Media Forensics

Faye Sieracki

Media Forensics Ltd

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Business and Management

Business & Marketing