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Session Name:

Ponycorns: Catching Lightning in a Jar


When many speakers tell their success stories, they essentially talk about how they were struck by lightning. The take-away for the audience is to go out and somehow get struck by lightning too. Indie game developer Untold Entertainment Inc. was struck by lightning when their game Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure went viral, receiving worldwide attention and acclaim - most notably because it was co-developed by a five-year-old girl. In this exciting and surprising session, Ryan Henson Creighton reveals how to turn your game project into a lightning rod to attract success and how to bottle that surge of success without letting even a single spark escape.

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  • GDC 2012
  • Ryan Henson Creighton
  • Untold Entertainment
  • free content
  • Independent Games Summit
  • Independent Games