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Session Name:

Evolving the MOBA Genre - The League of Legends: Dominion Postmortem


This presentation will cover the complete history of League of Legends: Dominion, the largest feature yet introduced to Riot Games' hit multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) title. As a completely new game mode, Dominion required a significant investment of time and resources - months of design work as well as new art and technology - but beyond the mere scale of the project, Dominion was arguably a high-risk proposition. The MOBA genre is steeped in a very particular legacy, and deviating from the proven fun of 'three-lane push' gameplay was uncharted territory in this fledgling genre.

Lead producer Travis George will give audience members a comprehensive, multidisciplinary overview of the many discoveries and lessons learned during the development of League of Legends: Dominion and a unique window into the innovation happening within the emerging MOBA genre.

The Riot team needed to answer a set of difficult new questions to bring Dominion from concept to reality: first and foremost, how can you take the staple features of League of Legends (a growing roster of 90+ champions, items, minions, etc.) and make them fun and cohesive in an entirely new mode of play? How do you continue to grow and support the number one game in its genre while also committing to the biggest update yet (especially given the already colossal challenge of merely supporting the rapid growth of the League of Legends playerbase)? And how do you build a team to deliver that massive update to the game with an unproven pipeline?

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  • GDC 2012
  • Travis George
  • Riot Games
  • free content
  • Production
  • Production