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Session Name:

Emerging Composers Guide to Productivity and Work/Life Balance


Inspired by the overwhelming feedback and success of last year's GDC panel "Striking a Balance", this panel will continue this series of work-life Balance talks, this time aiming specifically towards younger composers trying to establish themselves. This panel will delve into specific and concrete ways young emerging composers can learn to be productive and have a work/life balance while pursuing a career as a composer. Veteran composers Tom Salta and Penka Kouneva will be joined by emerging composer Elizabeth Lim, and industry Vet, Jesse Harlin and will discuss a variety of challenges and strategies surrounding being a young, emerging composer in the video game business...and how to get it all done while still "having a life".

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  • GDC 2018
  • Tom Salta
  • Persist Music
  • Penka Kouneva
  • Kouneva Studios
  • Jesse Harlin
  • Dunderpate Music, LLC
  • Laryssa Chan
  • Independent
  • free content
  • Audio
  • Audio