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Session Name:

AI Summit: Your Buddy, the Grandmaster: Repurposing Gameplaying AI for Inclusivity


Traditionally the gameplaying AI systems in our videogames are used to defeat the player. This talk explores ways in which we can use the same gameplaying AI systems to assist our players. Batu Aytemiz is a PhD student and AI researcher at University of California, Santa Cruz. In this talk he shares how gameplaying AI systems can be used to make games more inclusive and support players engage with our games. He introduces a design exercise to help developers come up with assistance methods that can use preexisting AI systems and showcases several assistance methods that use a reinforcement learning-based navigation system.

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  • Game Developers Conference 2021
  • Batu Aytemiz
  • University of California Santa Cruz
  • free content
  • AI Summit
  • AI