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Session Name: Independent Games Summit: Protecting Your Team: Founding Your Studio on People Not Product
Speaker(s): Don Daglow, Dr. Jennifer Killham, James Laird, Julien Schillinger, Adinda van Oosten, Trento von Lindenberg
Company Name(s): Independent, TVETM, Series AI, PandaBee Studios UG (haftungsbeschrnkt), Acreates, Mouldbreaker Interactive
Track / Format: Independent Games Summit

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Overview: Industry has been wracked with studio closure after closure, an increased lack of support, and an ever-tightening job market, leaving many developers feeling frustrated and devalued. But before you resign. have you thought about starting your own studio to make that change yourself?nTo accomplish that, our speakers will provide actionable resources, tools, and best practices to help you embody a developer-centered culture. Topics will specifically speak to the process of building a studio, and address the following questions: What inspired your studio to take a people-first philosophy? How do you walk the walk, and what are the stumbling blocks you've found along the route? With this shift, what worked, what had to change, and why is that unique to this perspective? How has this belief enabled you to recruit and retain diverse employees?nThe road to making a better industry is challenging, but the value of making a safe space for developers to thrive in is worth it. The speakers in these talks will share their experiences transparently, believing that each new successful people-first studio will build towards a more sustainable future for independent developers and industry as a whole.

Game Developers Conference 2024

Don Daglow


Dr. Jennifer Killham


James Laird

Series AI

Julien Schillinger

PandaBee Studios UG (haftungsbeschrnkt)

Adinda van Oosten


Trento von Lindenberg

Mouldbreaker Interactive

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Independent Games Summit

Independent Games