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Session Name:

Animation Bootcamp: From Stage to Screen: How to Get the Most From Your Performance Capture


As commonplace in game development as overtime, motion capture is often one of the largest, most inefficient expenses on a production.The goal of this talk is to give attendees better tools and practices to squeeze more performance and value out of their mocap. We will cover all the stages; from initial planning and casting to final implementation in game. We'll also have a look at some not-so-common uses of this often misunderstood tool.

10-10:15am - Intro - Mike Jungbluth (Zenimax Online), Tim Borrelli (5th Cell) and Nate Walpole (Independent)
10:15-11:15am - Making an Audience Believe - Jalil Sadool (Dreamworks)
11:15am-12:15pm - It's Alive! Developing Animal/Creature Movement - Amy Drobeck (WB Games)
12:15-1:30pm - Lunch
1:30-2:30pm - How to Get the Most Out of Your Mocap - Simon Unger (Independent)
2:30-3:30pm - Animating the 3rd Assassin - Jonathan Cooper (Ubisoft Montreal)
3:30-4:30pm - Giving Purpose to 1st Person Animation - Ryan Duffin (EA/Danger Close)
4:30-4:45pm - Break
4:45-5:45pm - Designing A Performance - Ed Hooks (Acting for Animators) & Mike Jungbluth (Zenimax Online)
5:45-6:15pm - Q & A Roundtable - Tim Borrelli (5th Cell)

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  • GDC 2013
  • Simon Unger
  • Independent
  • free content
  • Visual Arts
  • Visual Arts