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Session Name:

Gathering Your Party with Project Eternity (GDC Next 10)


This talk will feature the retro-evolution of classic 2D RPG elements in Obsidian Entertainment's Project Eternity. From the challenges of creating massive, dynamically-lit isometric environments to trusting in players' vivid imaginations and problem-solving capabilities, Project Eternity poses some interesting challenges to its veteran team. To find the right balance between using contemporary development practices and meeting classic RPG expectations, the developers have solicited community feedback, returned to past titles and, of course, played a bunch of D&D. Join us on an adventure fraught with wonders and perils more dazzling than the Warlock's Crypt!

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  • GDC Next 2013
  • Josh Sawyer
  • Obsidian Entertainment
  • free content
  • Future of Gaming
  • Other