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Session Name:

Meanwhile, In Japan


Fresh off their success crowdfunding the Mighty No. 9 project, Comcept CEO Keiji Inafune is joined by Tokyo-based consultant Mark MacDonald of 8-4, Ltd. to talk about the experience, as well as other trends in the Japanese industry. How did the different Western and Japanese partners come together to manage one of the biggest Kickstarter campaigns of all time? What are the advantages and challenges to creating and selling modern Japanese games to a primarily Western audience? And how are Japanese developers and game-players responding to newer business models like crowd-funding and free-to-play in general? Join us for anecdotes and insight covering all these topics and more.

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  • GDC 2014
  • Mark MacDonald
  • 8-4, Ltd.
  • Keiji Inafune
  • Comcept, Inc.
  • free content
  • Business, Marketing & Management
  • Business & Marketing