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7 steps to Mastering Native Advertising on Mobile


In this session, we start off by comparing the various mobile monetization models and see why advertising is a great option for app developers. We then shed light on the main metrics to consider for ad-based monetization, and give an overview of the most common formats available. We continue by explaining some of the challenges that traditional mobile advertising entail. We then show how novel, innovative forms of advertising, such as native ads, overcome these challenges by taking the user into consideration to achieve effective monetization with minimum churn. We go on by providing practical tips on the best ways to successfully implement ads maximize monetization and give them a native feel; we'll see that ad's placement, trigger as well as its level of integration into the UI and UX of the app are thereby key. We finish by explaining how to achieve a complete native advertising experience within your app.

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  • GDC China 2014
  • Stephen Chung
  • AppLift Inc.
  • free content
  • Business & Marketing
  • Business & Marketing