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Session Name:

Educators Summit: A Three Course Meal in Graphics Programming Education


Graphics and shaders are essential components in any well-rounded game programming graduate's portfolio. Champlain College's Game Programming curriculum contains a sequence of three unique courses in graphics programming and engineering, which expose students to a career's worth of domain knowledge over three years. Students begin their graphics meal with a shaders-first appetizer learning the fun stuff, then delve deeper into the engineering main course, and finally top it off with some research for dessert. This talk presents the details of how our graphics curriculum works, and how we prepare students for career success, regardless of whether they are in the Game Programming major or pursuing a minor. Furthermore, the talk contains actual evaluations and methods, lesson plans, code samples, progression of topics from course to course and instructor takeaways.

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  • Game Developers Conference 2021
  • Dan Buckstein
  • Champlain College
  • free content
  • Educators Summit
  • Game Career / Education